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Bibliographie / Bibliography

La bibliographie a été répartie en 5 chapitres :

  1. Catalogues & collections
  2. Études générales
  3. Études technologiques
  4. Études régionales
  5. Internet.

The bibliography has been divided into 5 chapters:

  1. Catalogues & collections
  2. General studies
  3. Technological studies
  4. Regional studies
  5. Websites.


Babelon (E.) 1899Collection Pauvert De La Chapelle : intailles et camées donnés au Département des Médailles et Antiques de la Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, p. 4-10.

Basmachi (F.) 1994. Cylinder Seals in the Iraq Museum. Uruk and Jamdat Nasr Periods, Edubba 3, London.

Bleibtreu (E.) 1981. Rollsiegel aus dem Vorderen Orient. Zur Steinschneidekunst zwischen etwa 3200 und 400 vor Christus nach Beständen in Wien und Graz. Sonderausstellung der Ägyptisch-Orientalischen Sammlung im Münzkabinett des Kunsthistorischen Museums in Wien. Wien: Verlag für Vorderasiatische Archäologie.

Blocher (F.) 1992a. Siegelabrollungen auf frühaltbabylonischen Tontafeln in der Yale Babylonian Collection. Ein Katalog, Münchener Vorderasiatische Studien, 9, Profil-Verlag, München, Wien.

––––– 1992b. Siegelabrollungen auf frühaltbabylonischen Tontafeln im British Museum. Ein Katalog, Münchener Vorderasiatische Studien 10, Profil-Verlag, München, Wien.

Bordreuil (P.) 1986. Catalogue des sceaux ouest-sémitiques inscrits de la Bibliothèque Nationale, du Musée du Louvre et du Musée biblique de Bible et Terre Sainte, Paris.

Boson (G.) 1949. “Alcuni sigilli-cilindri del Museo di Antichità di Torino”, Archiv orientální 17, p. 64–68.

Buchanan (B.) 1966. Catalogue of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in the Ashmolean Museum, I. Cylinder Seals, Oxford.

––––– 1981. Early Near Eastern Seals in the Yale Babylonian Collection, New Haven.

Buchanan (B.) & Moorey (P. R. S.) 1984. Catalogue of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in the Ashmolean Museum, II: The Prehistoric stamp seals. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

––––– 1988. Catalogue of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in the Ashmolean Museum, III: The Iron Age Stamp Seals (c. 1200-350 B.C.). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Caylus (A.-C.) 1752-1767. Recueil des Antiquités égyptiennes, étrusques, grecques, romaines et gauloises, Paris, 7 volumes.

Chabouillet (A.) 1858. Catalogue général et raisonné des camées et pierres gravées de la Bibliothèque impériale, Paris.

Cheynet (J.-C.) et al. 1991. Les sceaux byzantins de la collection Henri Seyrig : catalogue raisonné, Paris.

Collon (D.) 1982. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum: Cylinder Seals, Vol. II. London: British Museum Publications.

––––– 1986. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum: Cylinder Seals, Vol III. London: British Museum Publications.

––––– 2001. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum: Cylinder Seals, Vol. V. London: British Museum Publications.

De Clerq (M.) 1888. Collection de Clerq. Catalogue Méthodique et Raisonné, Antiquités Assyriennes, Cylindres Orientaux, Cachets, Briques, Bronzes, Bas-Reliefs, etc., Paris.

Delaporte (L.) 1909. Catalogue du Musée Guimet – cylindres orientaux, Annales du Musée Guimet 33, Paris.

––––– 1910. Catalogue des cylindres orientaux et des cachets assyro-babyloniens, perses et syro-cappadociens de la Bibliothèque nationale, Paris.

––––– 1920. Catalogue des cylindres, cachets et pierres gravées de style oriental. 1: Fouilles et missions, Paris.

––––– 1923. Catalogue des cylindres, cachets et pierres gravées de style oriental. 2: Acquisitions, Paris.

Deutsch (R.) & Lemaire (A.) 2000. Biblical Period Personal Seals in the Shlomo Moussaieff Collection. Archaeological Center Publications: Tell Aviv, Israel.

Doumet (C.) 1992. Sceaux et cylindres orientaux: la collection Chiha, Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis, Series Archaeologica 9, Fribourg & Göttingen.

Eisen (G. A.) 1940. Ancient Oriental Cylinder and Other Seals with a Description of the Collection of Mrs. William H. Moore, OIP vol. XLVII, Chicago.

Gignoux (P.) 1978. Catalogue des sceaux, camées et bulles sassanides- II, Bibliothèque nationale, Paris.

Glock (A.) 1988. Minuscule Monuments of Ancient Art: Catalogue of Near Eastern Stamp and Cylinder Seals Collected by Virginia E. Bailey in Memory of Katherine J. Hammersley. Madison, New Jersey: New Jersey Museum of Archaeology at Drew University.

Gordon (C.) 1939. “Western Asiatic seals in the Walters Art Gallery”, Iraq 6, p. 3-34.

Gyselen (R.) 1993. Catalogue des sceaux, camées et bulles sassanides de la Bibliothèque nationale et du musée du Louvre- I, Collection générale, Paris.

Hammade (H.) 1987. Cylinder Seals From the Collections of the Aleppo Museum, Syrian Arab Republic, Vol. 1: Seals of Unknown Provenience. Oxford: B.A.R.

––––– 1994. Cylinder Seals From the Collections of the Aleppo Museum, Syrian Arab Republic, Vol. 2: Seals of Known Provenance. Oxford: Tempus Reparatum. Oxford: B.A.R.

Jakob-Rost (L.) 1997. Die Stempelsiegel im Vorderasiatischen Museum, Mainz.

Keel-Leu (H.) & Teissier (B.) 2004. Die vorderasiatischen Rollsiegel der Sammlungen “Bibel+Orient” der Universität Freiburg Schweiz. Fribourg: Academic Press.

Kist (J.) 2003. Ancient Near Eastern Seals from the Kist Collection: Three Millennia of Miniature Reliefs. Leiden: Brill.

Lambert (W. G.) 1979. ”Near Eastern seals in the Gulbekian Museum of Oriental Art, University of Durham”, Iraq 41, p. 1-45.

Legrain (L.) 1911. Catalogue des Cylindres Orientaux de la Collection Louis Cugnin, Paris.

––––– 1936. Archaic Seal-Impressions, Ur Excavations 3, London.

––––– 1951. Seal Cylinders. Ur Excavations X, London and Philadelphia.

Mazzoni (S.) 1972. “Sigilli cilindrici dell’Istituto Orientale di Napoli”, Annali dell'istituto Orientale di Napoli 32, p. 417-451.

Meijer (D. J. W.) 1978. Mesopotamian Cylinder Seals in the Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam. Leiden: S.N.

Menant (J.) 1878. Catalogue des Cylindres orientaux du cabinet royal des médailles de la Haye, La Haye.

Merrillees (P. H.) 1990.Cylinder and Stamp Seals in Australian Collections. Victoria, Australia: Victoria College Press.

––––– 2005. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum: Cylinder Seals, Vol. VI. London: British Museum Publications.

Mitchell (T. C.) & Searight (A.) 2008. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum. Stamp SealsIII. Impressions of Stamp Seals on Cuneiform Tablets, Clay Bullae, and Jar Handles. Leiden/Boston: Brill.

Møller (E.) 1992. Ancient Near Eastern Seals in a Danish Collection, Copenhagen.

Moorey (P. R. S.) & Gurney (O. R.) 1978. “Ancient Near Eastern Cylinder Seals Acquired by the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 1963-1973”, Iraq 40, p. 41-60.

Moortgat-Correns (U.) 1955. “Altorientalische Rollsiegel in der Staatlichen Münzsammlung München”, Münchener Jahrbuch der bildenden Kunst 6, p. 7-27.

Munn-Rankin (J. M.) 1959. “Ancient Near Eastern seals in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge”, Iraq 21, p. 20-37.

Niederreiter (Z.) 2020. Catalogue of the Cylinder Seals in the Royal Museums of Art and History, I, Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Periods (circa 1000-500 B.C.), Budapest.

Noveck (M.) 1975. The Mark of Ancient Man: Ancient Near Eastern Stamp Seals and Cylinder Seals, The Gorelick Collection. New York: Brooklyn Museum.

Porada (E.) 1947. Mesopotamian Art in Cylinder Seals of the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York.

––––– 1948. Corpus of Ancient Near Eastern Seals in North American Collections: The Collection of the Pierpont Morgan Library, 2 vol., Washington D.C.

Pittman (H.) 1987. Ancient Art in Miniature. Near Eastern Seals from the Collection of Martin and Sarah Cherkasky, New York.

Porada (E.) & Collon (D.) 2016. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum, Cylinder Seals, IV: The Second Millennium BC Beyond Babylon, London.

Rashid (S. A.) & Ali-Huri (H. A.) 1982. The Akkadian Seals of the Iraq Museum, Baghdad.

Ravn (O. E.) 1960. A Catalogue of Oriental Cylinder Seals and Seal Impressions in the Danish National Museum. Copenhagen: Nationalmuseet.

Speleers (L.) 1917. Catalogue des intailles et empreintes orientales des Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, Bruxelles.

––––– 1923. La collection des intailles et des empreintes de l’Asie Antérieure aux Musées Royaux du Cinquantenaire à Bruxelles, Bruxelles.

––––– 1943. Catalogue des intailles et empreintes orientales des Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire, Supplément, Bruxelles.

Teissier (B.) 1984. Ancient Near Eastern Cylinder Seals From the Marcopoli Collection Berkeley, California: University of California Press.

Thorn (B.) & Collon (D.) 2013. “Dr. Lee's Collection of Cylinder Seals”, Iraq 75, p. 119-142.

Van Buren (E. D.) 1959. Catalogue of the Ugo Sissa Collection of Stamp and Cylinder Seals of Mesopotamia. Rome: S.N.

Van Buren (E. D.) 1940. The Cylinder Seals of the Pontifical Biblical Institute, Analecta Orientalia 21, Roma.

Von der Osten (H. H.) 1934. Ancient Oriental Seals in the Collection of Mr. Edward T. Newell. OIP Vol. XXII. Chicago.

––––– 1936. Ancient Oriental seals in the collection of Mrs. Agnes Baldwin Brett, Oriental Institute Publications 37, Chicago.

Ward (W. H.) 1909. Cylinders and Other Ancient Oriental Seals in the Library of J. Pierpont Morgan, Catalogued, New York.

Williams-Forte (E.) 1976. Ancient Near Eastern Seals: A Selection of Stamp and Cylinder Seals From the Collection of Mrs William H. Moore. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Wiseman (D. J.) 1962. Catalogue of the Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum: Cylinder Seals, Vol. I. London: Trustees of the British Museum.


Al-Gailani Werr (L.) 1980. “Chronological table of Old Babylonian seal impressions”, Institute of Archaeology Bulletin 17, University of London, p. 33-84.

––––– 1986. “The Sippar Workshop of Seal Engraving”, American Journal of Archaeology 90, p. 461-463.

––––– 1988a. Studies in the chronology and regional style of old Babylonian cylinder seals, Bibliotheca Mesopotamica 23, Undena, Malibu.

––––– 1988b. “Cylinder Seals Made of Clay”, Iraq 50, p. 1-24.

Ameri (M.) et al. 2018Seals and Sealing in the Ancient World: Case studies from the Near East, Egypt, the Aegean, and South Asia, Cambridge University Press.

Amiet (P.) 1963. “La glyptique syrienne archaïque. Note sur la diffusion de la civilisation mésopotamienne en Syrie du Nord”, Syria 40, p. 57-83.

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Ascalone (E.) 2012. Glittica elamita: Dalla metà del III alla metà del II millennio a.C; sigilli a stampo, sigilli a cilindro e impronte rinvenute in Iran e provenienti da collezioni private e museali, Studia archaeologica 182, L’Erma di Bretschneider: Roma.

Asher-Greve (J. M.) 1995. ‘A Seal-Cutter’s Trial-Piece in Berlin and a New Look at the Diqdiqqeh Lapiday Workshops’. Iraq 57, p. 49-60.

Asher-Greve (J. M.) & Stern (W. B.) 1983. “A New Analytical Method and its Applications to Cylinder Seals”, Iraq 45, p. 157–162.

––– 1986. “Practical Advices for Collecting Data on Cylinder Seals”, Akkadica 49, p. 17–19.

Auerbach (E.) 1991. “Heirloom seals and political legitimacy in Late Bronze Age Syria”, Akkadica 74-75, p. 19-36.

Babelon (E.) 1887. Le Cabinet des antiques à la Bibliothèque nationale : choix des principaux monuments de l’antiquité, du Moyen-Âge et de la Renaissance, Paris.

––––– 1900. Guide illustré au cabinet des médailles et antiques de la Bibliothèque nationale. Les antiques et les objets d’art, Paris, p. 25-32, 285, 355-359.

Beran (T.) 1957. “Assyrische Glyptik des 14. Jahrhunderts”, Zeitschrift für Assyriologie 52, p. 141–215.

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Bergamini (G.) 1987. Sigilli a cilindro glittica mesopotamica dai Sumeri agli Assiri, Turin.

Boehmer (R. M.) 1965. Die Entwicklung der Glyptik während der Akkad-Zeit, de Gruyter, Berlin.

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––––– 1975. “Gylptik von der alt- bis zur spätbabylonischen Zeit”, in W. Ortmann (ed.) Der alte Orient, Propyläen Kunstgeschichte 14, Berlin.

––––– 1981. “Glyptik der späten Kassiten-Zeit aus dem nord-östlichen Babylonien”, Baghdader Mitteilungen 12, p. 71-81.

Boschloos (V.) et al. 2012. “The Ancient Near Eastern Glyptic Collections of the Royal Museums of Art and History Reconsidered”, Bulletin des Musées Royaux d’Art et d’Histoire 83, p. 23-43.

Brandes (M. A.) 1980. “Modellage et imprimerie aux débuts de l'écriture en Mésopotamie”, Akkadica 18, p. 1-30.

Buchanan (B.) 1957a. “Further observations on the Syrian glyptic style”, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 11, p. 74-6.

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––––– 1970. “Cylinder seal impressions in the Yale Babylonian collection illustrating a revolution in art c. 1700 BC”, The Yale University Library Gazette 45, p. 53-65.

Casanova (M.) 1995. “Le lapis-lazuli dans l’Orient ancien”, in F. Tallon (éd.), Les pierres précieuses de l'Orient ancien, des Sumériens aux Sassanides (catalogue d’exposition), RMN Paris, p. 189-210.

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Englund (R.K.) 2014. “Seals and Sealing in CDLI files”, CDLN 2014:4.

Eppihimer (M.) 2013. “The Old Assyrian Rulers’ Seals and Their Ur III Prototype”, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 72, p. 35-49

Feingold (R.) 2014. Engraved on Stone : Mesopotamian Cylinder Seals and Seal Inscriptions in the Old Babylonian Period. Piscataway, New Jersey: Gorgias Press.

Ferioli (P.) & Fiandra (E.) 1990. “The Use of Clay Sealings in Administrative Function from the Fifth to First Millennium BC in the Orient, Nubia, Egypt, and the Aegean: Similarities and Differences”, in T. G. Palaima (ed.), Aegean Seals, Sealings and Administration, Liège, p. 223-229.

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Goddeeris (A.) 2012. “Sealing in Old Babylonian Nippur”, in T. Boiy et alii (eds.) The Ancient Near East, A Life! Festschrift Karel Van Lerberghe, Leuven, p. 216-234.

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Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative, Conservatoire numérique de la documentation en écriture cunéiforme

Digitizing and Labeling Ancient Near Eastern Seals and Sealings, projet de l’Université de Munich

Ouvrages et catalogues de la BnF téléchargeables pour les collections de Chabouillet, Babelon et Delaporte

Base de données des sceaux achéménides du Cabinet des médailles de la BnF (dans le cadre de Achemenet)

Base de données BnF des objets de la collection Caylus ainsi que de ses Recueils d’Antiquités numérisés.